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Memorial Day Weekend 2016 Recap: Work Hard - Play Hard (Enough)

After a long holiday weekend, I get back on the train to the city + feel completely defeated. With some dismay, I look at my lofty, preweekend written "to-do" list, and quickly remember all the things I'd dreamt of completing. Can you relate?

In college, my roommate Colleen and I used to call this, "night talk" as the next, fresh, new day always held so much possibility for hitting the gym, getting to the library, or actually doing laundry. When in reality, getting out of bed before 11:00am in college was the true success story.

Now weekends, especially holiday weekends, possess a Content-centric, major project pressure. 

But without any major project currently underway, it's easy to forget about all the smaller projects that undoubtedly take time, money and lots of energy. 

So, instead of immediately beating myself (John included, #sorryjohnachilli) I'm taking a step back to acknowledge a few things we DID accomplish this weekend.

Oh, and we don't have children (people are good at asking when we'll be off-springing), but we're enjoying our child-free life right now. Working hard, and playing hard (enough for 30 something). Here's this weekend's mashup!


John: Attended the prom (as a chaperone) for the third, consecutive year. Voted on and invited by the senior class, he considered it an honor and attends with pride. He loves his students! Out until 1:30am continuing the festivities with the other, "chosen" teachers.

Courtney: Escaped the city early, made the most of the beautiful weather, enjoying the company of friends at a backyard happy hour, and then borrowed a bike to hit up the Tiki Bar. Ate lots of cheese and hummus, drank wine, laughed (a lot), rode bike home and teased John he had to be up in 4 hours.


John: Up at 4:30am to go fishing with a family friend. Home about 1pm. Sunburned. Quick tour of Content. Off to continue working on friends outdoor shower install. Back home about 5. 

Courtney: Rode borrowed bike back to its owner. Went to 10am yoga. Removed everything from front porch, in preparation for sanding. Waited around until 1pm, flooring guy reschedules for Sunday. Finally organize + box up remaining items from last weekend's garage sale. Cleaned.

Together: Head out for happy hour at the new Asbury Hotel rooftop bar.

View from new Asbury Hotel rooftop bar, Salvation.

Outdoor movie screen.

Dinner at Anchors Bend. Funnel cake at the carnival.

Nightcap at Content.


Together: Coffee. Welcome flooring company. Home Depot. Drive to outdoor shower install house.

John: Continues outdoor shower install.

I'm in LOVE with this outdoor shower!

Courtney: Home from dropping John at customer's house. Check on flooring.

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Front porch before and after sanding

Dad makes surprise visit to cut the lawn. Weedwacked property. Load garage sale items into truck. Go to garden center, buy plants, make container planters.

John surprised me with succulents, so I made these out of thrift store onion soup bowls I got for $1.

Admire rose bush.

Drop items at Goodwill. Pick up John.

Together: Wegmans. Home. Shower. Check out porch progress. Success! Pay the guy.

Get ready + head back to shower-install customer/friend's house for BBQ. Lots of adorable babies + sunshine. Home. Asleep by 9pm.


Together: 7:30am. Welcome Dad G. for breakfast. Porkroll, egg + cheese sandwiches.

John: Raining. Back to bed.

Courtney: Rain stops. Planted a few more things. Starts to mulch courtyard.

Split + relocated hostas.

Together: 10:00am. Mulch for 4 more hours.

Sunburned. Shower. Head to Asbury, again, for late lunch + to see our friends band play.

Home by 9pm.
